
Good Day, Kingdom Friends! 

Thank you for taking time out of your day to allow me to share with you.  I have started this blog, Watchman Prophet, to share what I have learned and continue to learn as I am walking through my assignment as a Watchman Prophet and Intercessor in the Lord’s House.   

In my walk over the past few years, as I was attempting to discover my purpose in the Kingdom and fulfill the purpose that the Lord has called me to, I have had many experiences, challenges, trials, and tests that have helped me to begin to mature and to function in my calling. 

While I am continuing to be tested and challenged through my walk, my intention is to share what I am learning, in the hopes of encouraging others facing similar challenges and those who may be questioning their place and the calling of a Watchman Prophet and Intercessor. 

I must insert this disclaimer, that I do not have it all figured out, nor do I expect to ever have it all figured out. I am in no way claiming to be an expert or authority in this area. However, I am acutely aware of the seclusion, loneliness, and at times, even desolation that this process in the wilderness can bring. The lessons that were necessary to learn and the areas that were imperative for me to develop and mature in may already have been mastered by you a long time ago or may not have ever been a challenge for you. While my process and experiences will most likely not be exactly the same as yours, I believe that those who are called to this area of ministry share common ground in some way, and my prayer is that you are able to identify with some morsel of teaching.  

My prayer is that something in my writings is able to bring clarity and revelation to those who may be questioning their calling, attempt to discover the purpose for this area of ministry in the Kingdom and to assure you that YOU ARE NOT IN THIS ALONE. There is a great purpose in what you are experiencing. Do not lose faith. Do not lose hope. The Lord sees you, and He has a plan for you! 

See Far & Perceive,

Kenna O’Flannigan

Son of man, I have made thee a watchman unto the house of Israel: therefore hear the word at my mouth, and give them warning from me.”  Ezekiel 3:17

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